
About Me

My name is Megan McKissick and I love to design. I took a Visual Media class as part of my curriculum at Brigham Young University - Idaho and learned the basics of InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop and my love for graphic design began. I enjoy designing many things, but the thing I love most is designing invitations & cards. My dream job was to become an Event Planner, but while that did not turn out to be my career path, the thing that comes close to it (for me at least) is designing invitations and Christmas cards.

When I don't have a lot of money to decorate my house with something super expensive, I make one of my own instead. I will admit, I am not a very good interior designer. However, you will constantly see me on Pinterest looking for new ideas and projects to design and decorate my home with on a budget.  I also love to create new things and share them with others.

Although I did not become an Event Planner, I got to become the next best thing, a Stay at Home Mom. More than anything in the world, I love my family. My husband and I have two cute little boys who keep us busy, but we love them to pieces. Our 3 year old is totally into baseball, so don't be surprised if you see a lot of baseball stuff in the near future. We can't wait to see if our 7 month old will be the exact same way as his older brother.